I am guessing that less than 10% will have the correct answer.

And yet the answer is one that will have you nodding your head…wondering why you didn’t know it!

Is it… new leads and traffic… better social media … video marketing… ppc or Facebook advertising… better conversion… SEO… native ads… or ???

None of the above…

Because without this… you are dead in the water.



Ask yourself this…

“when you are looking for a dentist to fix your toothache…or a chiropractor to fix your back because you can barely function… HOW DO YOU FIND WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR?”

Where do you go?   What do you do to find the answer to the above question?

The bottom line and answer is simple… you look for the one person or service that you absolutely know, without any doubt, will fix and solve your problem.


That one person or company has captured your attention and you know…with absolute certainty that he or she has the answer you desperately need.

Ask yourself this… “are you that person in your own marketplace?”

Do people seek you out when they are looking for a mortgage consultant, a realtor, a business consultant…or whatever your marketplace is…

What are you doing to differentiate yourself… to make yourself stand out… to “brand yourself”?


Or maybe you are saying “value” or “lower price” or “best service”…

Not exactly stand out or different…

If you are to be a success and you want to be at the top of your marketplace you need to distinguish yourself and make yourself noticed … so that people will seek you out… recognize you… and leave no doubt when they need what you offer.


Are you at the top of your market?

You can be.

I did it… after I retired… and I did it almost by accident.

I would like to show you exactly what I did to “brand” and differentiate myself in a highly competitive marketplace…

And believe me, if I could do it by accident… you can copy what I did.

Go to my linkedin Profile and ask me to send you a copy of my book, “The Reinvention Protocol”… it is without charge to all LinkedIn members for a very limited time…before it hits Amazon.

If you are having trouble making yourself noticed and overwhelmed by your competition… this is your answer and your new start.

Unless, of course, you like being anonymous.