This may be the most unusual document/email that you have ever read.
But don’t be fooled … because it is simple… And because it works better than anything else in the marketplace. And I will prove it.
My name is Randy Berg and officially I’m an old guy that has been around the block more than once and had more adventures than damn near anyone I have ever met. But what is important here is what I want to do for you.
because almost everyone is disgusted with the shape the world is in and nearly every single one of us has reached a point where we trust almost no one. And we are weary… and tired of it all… but most of us don’t even know which direction to turn.
I want to show you alternatives … to your life… and how you support yourself. Alternatives that have worked for me … and some are unusual and some are mundane… but with a dramatic twist.
Like what?
In one of my last “adventures” I accidentally discovered a method of communicating with my potential clients that made me more money than I had ever seen before. And at the time I was in my 60s, retired… and living in Costa Rica.
I really didn’t even ask myself what I was doing to earn a small fortune when I was in a country where we knew absolutely no one and I had never even intended to work another day in my life.
We were literally doing so much business that many of the people in town were circulating rumors that we were a cult! True story.
I want to tell you a short story…
I never even bothered to ask myself what I was doing to totally dominate a very competitive market in a foreign country.
It was like winning the lottery every single day. And it took a disaster for me to see it.
And three years later… two people online that I had been corresponding with said “that’s email marketing!”
Sure, with a twist and I want to share with you EXACTLY how and why it all worked so well.
A perfect example is when one of the many internet marketing gurus talks about “traffic” and how they have developed a “completely unique” and “better” way of driving traffic for your product, whatever it might be.
In my experience, the “so called” system is usually complicated and riddled with problems ( at least for a person like me ).
So I developed a simpler, better way for almost anyone to drive traffic to whatever product or service they have. And to be candid, all that it really involved was merging two or three existing systems together and to be blunt… it works better than any of my so called competition. AND it is cheaper and faster. We are talking, honestly, a system which is almost no cost and can give the user as many as 100,000 TARGETED leads per day FOR ZERO COST. Think about that for a short time and what that could do for your business. IT IS REALITY HERE.
I definitely do not want to toot my own horn but I want to show readers what is available that you will not be able to find anywhere else.
One of the biggest problems that we have as a nation today is the simple fact that TRUST has almost disappeared.
Trust used to be an integral part of almost all areas of our lives and everyone took it for granted…
Today it is almost dead.
Don’t believe me?
Just take a look at the internet marketing world… it used to be” THE place” that almost everyone in modern commerce would come to if they wanted an inexpensive way to make money or to expand their own business.
It has become an area that almost everyone admits has phenomenal potential as a business tool… BUT it is comprised of millions of people all over the world that none of us know OR TRUST… and it has become an area where everyone admits that there is potential but the problem is “who can we trust?”
And how can we trust someone we have never done business with and know nothing about?
The old methods of commerce simply work no longer because trust is nearly dead.
And trust USED to be the glue that held commerce together.
No longer.
We have artificial intelligence which is supposed to be the savior of internet marketing and maybe even commerce as a whole.
And yes, I admit that it is a phenomenal tool that can help almost anyone in the business area… and no, it is not limited to that.
BUT… can we trust it?
Only time will tell.
And can it replace people?
Yes and no.
But do we really want that?
All sorts of arguments pro and con.
And we basically have had nothing but pros and how it can improve virtually every area of our life… but especially commerce where applications seem to be unlimited.
Yes, definitely.
I want to show you how you can demonstrate EXACTLY how to get your readers, subscribers and skeptics exactly how they can trust you ( without doubt ), follow you and become almost like they would follow you to the ends of the earth. Yes, it happened to me and I want to show you exactly how you can do the same. ( this is NOT an exaggeration and I will not only show you what happened to me but I will give you proof that others are doing the same steps but in different areas…and finally I will provide you scientific proof that what you will read is not only simple but virtually foolproof.
Why is virtually no one else doing it?
BECAUSE it is simple… and the so- called experts and gurus laugh and say that it cannot possibly work “because it is simple.”
I will let you make up your mind.
Simple… for me… works better than anything else.
Read the book…
Click the link below…
It has the potential to change your life forever.
And yes, I will prove it.
Get the book….
Click here to get my TRUST book
Please note that my KISS system is for individuals AND smaller businesses. AND yes, it works better than anything you have ever seen and is far easier to understand and put into action!

You own a business…
And you’re frustrated beyond belief…because you either are dangerously close to the edge and can’t see beyond the end of the week…OR…you have hit a plateau and would like to do better but simply don’t know how. And you don’t know which way to turn.
…or you’re just starting out and you have seen so many alternatives that you are like a deer frozen by headlights. The phrase “analysis paralysis” was written just for you.
The business climate today is more treacherous and more confusing than it ever has been. And for the very first time ever, more businesses are failing than have started. And the odds of success are highly stacked against you.
And you hear about the internet and how it is supposed to bring you in touch with more business and buyers than you can imagine. But you don’t even know how to get their attention.
And buyers are scared… and they are leery of almost anyone trying to sell them anything. They WANT to buy… but they don’t trust anyone either.
I want to change that for you.
Because the people that sell to you… and have the “so called products” that you think you need… and the consultants that will tell you they have your answers…have been programmed to only sell you products that make them commissions.
I want to tell you a short story…
I had decided that I wanted to learn more about the internet marketing field… about three years ago. I had just built a business after I retired but I had encountered problems and I wanted answers. So I went to one of the many “conventions” that were held for marketers.
It was an eye opener…
Because I found out that 95% of all “consultants”, “coaches” and offline marketers were ONLY concerned with “getting the order”… and the discussions were ALWAYs about getting more business. It was NEVER about how the product or service would help the client or business… virtually never.
That’s sad.
And at that time I knew that I had to operate the exact same way as I had done with my last business… which had been hugely successful.
( details on that in a moment…)
Because all of the businesses out there deserve to know what works, what doesn’t work…with an absolutely minimum of BS, hype and lies.
Face it, you don’t go around “screwing” your clients do you? You want their business and if word gets around that you are not giving value in exchange… you will be out of business in a hurry.
You want to know what works for you…period.
Stay with me… because I am going to show you…complete with details… and in black and white what will work for 95% of you.
And I think that you’ll be surprised at how easy it all is.
FREE Lesson: The REAL TRUTH about Generating Leads and Sales Online